A. Tony Mendoza

Debut Author - Entrepreneur - Poker Player

Anastacio “Tony” Mendoza is a distinguished and seasoned entrepreneur with a remarkable career that spans several decades. His journey in the world of business began at a remarkably young age of 19, setting the stage for a lifetime of entrepreneurial achievements.

His outstanding contributions and commitment to entrepreneurship were acknowledged when he was honored by the Small Business Administration (SBA) with the prestigious Young Entrepreneur of the Year award and his influence and impact within the entrepreneurial landscape continued to expand, the following year, was recognized again by naming him Small Business Media Advocate of the Year.

His unique background as an entrepreneur, publisher, editor, and small business advocate positions him as a skilled storyteller and a master of narrative. His creative imagination, combined with his meticulous research skills, makes him exceptionally qualified to bring stories to life in a captivating and engaging manner. This unique combination of talents and experiences allows him to unravel and present the intricate and extraordinary journey of individuals like Jerry and Rita Alter with precision and authenticity. His storytelling abilities, honed through years of experience, make him the ideal choice to reveal the secret lives of the Alters and captivate readers with their extraordinary journey. His expertise and passion shines through in his narrative, providing readers with an immersive and compelling experience.